Assisting Stroke Patients Community- Awareness & Education about Blood Pressure, its importance, checking techniques, how to control and how to monitor(Follow)
Blood Sugar- Its importance for human body function (daily activities), its harmful effects. Education (training on how to check blood sugar, monitor, control, follow up.


Prompt identification (Diagnosis), steps taken to minimize further brain damage, vigilance to check causative risk factors (High Blood pressure, High Blood Sugar, High Blood Cholesterol, over weight (Obesity), Other Health Problems under treatment.


Psychotherapy– (Patient(s) reassurance, measures taken to improve sleep, mental stress, headache, mood change.

Physiotherapy– To reverse nerves, muscles, joint functions & overcome body dysfunction (morbidity).

Nutrition– Education & awareness on use of fibrous food, fresh fruit, vegetables. Avoidance on consumption of sweets, salt, mutton other food ingredients causing obesity.

Oral & Physical Hygiene– to overcome mouth & gut infection, indigestion, skin infection, skin allergies (itchiness).

Care of bed sores, digits, extremities infection– Awareness, education to use disinfectant measures for bed sores, regular dressing, frequent change of posture, encouraging early ambulation.

Regular use of drugs, walk, Message, good sleep, Exercise as guided


Working to find genetic links between stroke patients with parents, other family members, patient(s) psyche, working, and living, sleeping, and dietary habits other life schedules. Importance of walking, exercises, recreation, minimal dependence on automobiles.


Public awareness, students, allied health sciences, medical graduates, nurses on scientific check up of blood pressure, blood sugar, identification of stroke. Offering, certificate, diploma taught courses leading to a ward of credentials for medical & allied health personnel.


Conducting monthly symposia to follow challenges, success in patients follow up, new patient’s enrollment, outcome of education & research activities. Bi yearly working with stake holders , public leaders, doctors, neurophysicians, neurosurgeons, allied health workers nursing staff inviting to attend National conference on Stroke & Mental Health. Yearly working with international community on Stroke & Mental Health in furthering research and education to help in finding new techniques, inventions in stroke & mental health that might help in reducing human suffering.
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